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Running Locally with Docker (Recommended)

git clone
cd web
cp app/app/local.env app/app/.env

Startup server

Running in Detached mode

docker-compose up -d --build

Running in the foreground

docker-compose up --build

Viewing Logs

Actively follow a container's log:

docker-compose logs -f web # Or any other container name

View all container logs:

docker-compose logs

Navigate to http://localhost:8000/.

Note: Running docker-compose logs --tail=50 -f <optional container_name> will follow all container output in the active terminal window, while specifying a container name will follow that specific container's output. --tail is optional. Check out the Docker Compose CLI Reference for more information.

You will need to edit the app/.env file with your local environment variables. Look for config items that are marked # required.

If you plan on using the Github integration, please read the third party integration guide.

Static Asset Handling (optional)

If you're testing in a staging or production style environment behind a CDN, pass the DJANGO_STATIC_HOST environment variable to your django web instance specifying the CDN URL.

For example:


Create Django Admin

docker-compose exec web python3 app/ createsuperuser

Add a Custom ERC20 Token To your Local Gitcoin

  1. Create a django admin
  2. Go to http://localhost:8000/_administrationeconomy/token/ and click Add New Token.
  3. Open another tab and go to
  4. Mint a new token on the network of ur choice.
  5. Go back to your Gitcoin local tab, and enter the token.
  6. Click Save
  7. Congratulations, your local environment now supports your custom token!
  8. You may continue administering your token over at Hint: Maybe you should mint some? 🤔

Optional: Import bounty data from web3 to your database

This can be useful if you'd like data to test with:

docker-compose exec web python3 app/ sync_geth

or equivalently:

docker-compose exec web python3 app/ sync_geth rinkeby 402 99999999999


Running Tests

Q: How can I run the tests locally?

You can ensure your project will pass all Travis tests by running:

make tests # docker-compose exec -e DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=app.settings web pytest -p no:ethereum; npm run eslint;

The above make command will run eslint and pytest.

Fresh rebuild

Q: My environment is erroring out due to missing modules/packages or postgresql errors. How can I fix it?

make fresh # docker-compose down -v; docker-compose up -d --build;

Create superuser

Q: How can I access the django administration login?

make superuser # docker-compose exec web python3 app/ createsuperuser
open http://localhost:8000/_administration

Fix local test issues

Q: How can I attempt automatic remediation of eslint and isort test failures?

make fix # npm run eslint:fix; docker-compose exec web isort -rc --atomic .;

Makefile Help

Q: How can I see a complete list of Makefile commands and descriptions?

make # make help

On-chain activities

Q: Which network should I be using for local testing?

It is recommended to use the Rinkeby testnet for local development testing. You can receive some testnet eth by visiting the Rinkeby Faucet Alternatively, you can use the local ganache-cli test rpc network that ships with the docker compose stack by switching to Localhost 8545 in Metamask.

Address already in use

Q: I am receiving a "address already in use" error when attempting to run: docker-compose up

This error can occur when you are already running a local instance of PostgreSQL or another service on any of the ports specified in the docker-compose.yml. You can identify which process is currently bound to the port with: lsof -i :<port_number> | grep LISTEN - for example: lsof -i :8000 | grep LISTEN and simply sudo kill <pid>, substituting the PID returned from lsof.

Github Login

Q: How can I enable the Github Login functionality on my local docker instance?

If you plan on using the Github integration, please read the third party integration guide.


Q: what's the best way to import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() a HTTP request via docker?

Add import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace() to the method you want to inspect, you then run: make get_ipdb_shell to drop into the active shell for inspection.

Access Django Shell

Q: How can I access the Django shell, similar to: python shell ?

Simply run: make get_django_shell or docker-compose exec web python app/ shell

Access BASH

Q: I want to inspect or manipulate the container via bash. How can I access the root shell of the container?

Run: docker-compose exec web bash

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